Course Syllabus, Outline and Learning Outcomes

ELEC1010 Electronic and Information Technology
ELEC1030 The Rise of Autonomous Robots
ELEC1095 Special Topics
ELEC1100 Introduction to Electro-Robot Design
ELEC1200 A System View of Communications: from Signals to Packets
ELEC2100 Signals and Systems
ELEC2100H Honors Signals and Systems
ELEC2200 Digital Circuits and Systems
ELEC2300 Computer Organization
ELEC2350 Introduction to Computer Organization and Design
ELEC2400 Electronic Circuits
ELEC2420 Basic Electronics
ELEC2600 Probability and Random Processes in Engineering
ELEC2600H Honors Probability and Random Processes in Engineering
ELEC2910 Academic and Professional Development I
ELEC2991 Industrial Experience (Electronic Engineering)
ELEC3100 Signal Processing and Communications
ELEC3120 Computer Communication Networks
ELEC3180 Data-Driven Portfolio Optimization
ELEC3200 System Modeling, Analysis and Control
ELEC3210 Machine Learning and Information Processing for Robotics
ELEC3300 Introduction to Embedded Systems
ELEC3310 Digital Fundamentals and System Design
ELEC3400 Introduction to Integrated Circuits and Systems
ELEC3450 Introduction to Smart Electric Power Systems
ELEC3500 Integrated Circuit Devices
ELEC3600 Electromagnetics: From Wireless to Photonic Applications
ELEC3810 Data Science for Neural Engineering
ELEC3910 Academic and Professional Development II
ELEC4010 Special Topics
ELEC4110 Digital Communications and Wireless Systems
ELEC4130 Machine Learning on Images
ELEC4150 Information Theory and Error-Correcting Codes
ELEC4210 Control System Design
ELEC4220 Introduction to Robotics: From Mobile Robots to Manipulators
ELEC4230 Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
ELEC4240 Deep Learning in Computer Vision
ELEC4260 Intelligent Robots and Embodied AI
ELEC4310 Embedded System Design
ELEC4320 FPGA-based Design: From Theory to Practice
ELEC4420 Analogue Integrated Circuits Design and Analysis
ELEC4430 Integrated Power Electronics
ELEC4510 Semiconductor Materials and Devices
ELEC4520 Integrated Circuit Fabrication Technology
ELEC4530 Fundamentals of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy
ELEC4610 Engineering Optics
ELEC4620 Photonics and Optical Communications
ELEC4810 Introduction to Biosensors and Bioinstrumentation
ELEC4820 Medical Imaging
ELEC4830 Statistical Signal Analysis and Applications in Neural Engineering
ELEC4840 Artificial Intelligence for Medical Image Analysis
ELEC4900 Final Year Design Project
ELEC4901 Final Year Thesis
ELEC4907 Final Year Project
ELEC4910 Co-op Program

Independent Study