Course Syllabus, Outline and Learning Outcomes
ELEC1010 | Electronic and Information Technology |
ELEC1030 | The Rise of Autonomous Robots |
ELEC1095 | Special Topics |
ELEC1100 | Introduction to Electro-Robot Design |
ELEC1200 | A System View of Communications: from Signals to Packets |
ELEC2100 | Signals and Systems |
ELEC2100H | Honors Signals and Systems |
ELEC2200 | Digital Circuits and Systems |
ELEC2300 | Computer Organization |
ELEC2350 | Introduction to Computer Organization and Design |
ELEC2400 | Electronic Circuits |
ELEC2420 | Basic Electronics |
ELEC2600 | Probability and Random Processes in Engineering |
ELEC2600H | Honors Probability and Random Processes in Engineering |
ELEC2910 | Academic and Professional Development I |
ELEC2991 | Industrial Experience (Electronic Engineering) |
ELEC3100 | Signal Processing and Communications |
ELEC3120 | Computer Communication Networks |
ELEC3180 | Data-Driven Portfolio Optimization |
ELEC3200 | System Modeling, Analysis and Control |
ELEC3210 | Machine Learning and Information Processing for Robotics |
ELEC3300 | Introduction to Embedded Systems |
ELEC3310 | Digital Fundamentals and System Design |
ELEC3400 | Introduction to Integrated Circuits and Systems |
ELEC3450 | Introduction to Smart Electric Power Systems |
ELEC3500 | Integrated Circuit Devices |
ELEC3600 | Electromagnetics: From Wireless to Photonic Applications |
ELEC3810 | Data Science for Neural Engineering |
ELEC3910 | Academic and Professional Development II |
ELEC4010 | Special Topics |
ELEC4110 | Digital Communications and Wireless Systems |
ELEC4130 | Machine Learning on Images |
ELEC4150 | Information Theory and Error-Correcting Codes |
ELEC4210 | Control System Design |
ELEC4220 | Introduction to Robotics: From Mobile Robots to Manipulators |
ELEC4230 | Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing |
ELEC4240 | Deep Learning in Computer Vision |
ELEC4260 | Intelligent Robots and Embodied AI |
ELEC4310 | Embedded System Design |
ELEC4320 | FPGA-based Design: From Theory to Practice |
ELEC4410 | CMOS VLSI Design |
ELEC4420 | Analogue Integrated Circuits Design and Analysis |
ELEC4430 | Integrated Power Electronics |
ELEC4510 | Semiconductor Materials and Devices |
ELEC4520 | Integrated Circuit Fabrication Technology |
ELEC4530 | Fundamentals of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy |
ELEC4610 | Engineering Optics |
ELEC4620 | Photonics and Optical Communications |
ELEC4810 | Introduction to Biosensors and Bioinstrumentation |
ELEC4820 | Medical Imaging |
ELEC4830 | Statistical Signal Analysis and Applications in Neural Engineering |
ELEC4840 | Artificial Intelligence for Medical Image Analysis |
ELEC4900 | Final Year Design Project |
ELEC4901 | Final Year Thesis |
ELEC4907 | Final Year Project |
ELEC4910 | Co-op Program |
ELEC4940 |
Independent Study |