Prof. Mansun Chan: Pioneer in Semiconductor Technology Innovation and Accomplished Entrepreneur

Prof. Mansun Chan was interviewed by Deeptech for his contributions that shape the semiconductor technology. His team co-developed the first industrial standard MOSFET and SOI MOSFET models, which are widely adopted by major foundries and circuit design companies worldwide like TSMC, Intel, and Qualcomm.  His engineering-centric modeling approach yields accurate, practical, and flexible MOSFET models, significantly reducing the time from design to manufacturing.



Furthermore, he pioneered stacked Complementary Field Effect Transistor (CFET) technology and was the first to demonstrate its feasibility in 2005. This technology has recently garnered significant attention from leading semiconductor companies, which view it as a critical advancement that enables the scaling of mainstream CMOS technology beyond the 2nm technology node.



His groundbreaking work exemplifies how researchers drive semiconductor innovation, ensuring that technology keeps pace with modern demands. Stay tuned for more updates on his research!



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