A breakthrough for HKUST ROV Team in 2017 MATE International Competition: the 1st Asian team to receive championship in the past 16 years

The HKUST ROV team, a sub-team of Robotics team which has previously defended the Championship in the Hong Kong Regional IET/MATE Underwater Robot Challenge 2017, has moved on to the 16th annual MATE international ROV competition held on June 23-25, 2017 at Long Beach City College in Long Beach, California, USA.
The ROV team continued to strive for excellence in the international competition and broke the record by receiving the All-round Champion and Safety Conscious Awards in the MATE international ROV competition.  This is the first time for the Hong Kong team as well as Asian team to receive the championship in this international competition in the past 16 years and it is also the ever best result achieved by our ROV team.  The team was formed by 15 engineering students from ECE, SENG, CPEG, CSE and MAE.
This great annual underwater robot event has attracted strong teams across different regions of the world.  25 winning teams from the regional contests from USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Norway, India, Mexico and Hong Kong advanced to the international competition on June 23-25, 2017 in USA.  HKUST ROV team finally achieved a record-breaking result.
The 2017 MATE competition highlights the role that ROVs will play in streamlining commerce, maintaining entertainment, and ensuring both health and safety of port cities of the future.  The theme of the international ROV competition this year is “Port Cities of the Future: Commerce, Entertainment, Health and Safety”.  It challenged students to think as entrepreneurs and the teams competed on not only robot missions, but also market display, presentation and technical report.

Members of the HKUST ROV team:

CHEN Dennis 
DEL MUNDO Gian Miguel Sero 
JEANDANI Gaurav Vijai
JEYAKUMAR Aadhithya Vignesh
KAPUR Akshay (ECE)
MOHAMAD Randitya Setyawan
NADHIF Mohammad Hanif Dean (ECE)
SU Heng
TAN Tun Jian
YOON Hongseo



Related Link:

Related news: HKUST Robotics Team once again secured Championship in the Hong Kong
   Regional IET/MATE Underwater Robot Challenge 2017

- About MATE international ROV competition
- HKUST Press Release

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