Prof. Zhiyong FAN and ECE Alumnus won "The 2nd Prize of Science & Technology Award of 2017 of Shandong Province"

Prof. Zhiyong FAN and ECE alumnus have won "The 2nd Prize of Science & Technology Award of 2017 of Shandong Province, China" for their work “Fabrication of Nanofibers with Electrospin for Optoelectronics and Flexible Sensors”. Shandong Province is the 2nd largest province of China in terms of population with GDP ranked top three in China. The science and technology award is highly recognized in Mainland China.

The award was presented to recognize their team research's breakthrough on low-cost and large-scale fabrication of nanofiber materials, and their optoelectronic device application, especially for flexible sensors.

“Fabrication of Nanofibers with Electrospin for Optoelectronics and Flexible Sensors” 静电纺丝制备光电纳米纤维及柔性传感器


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