Prof. Ling SHI was awarded the Chen Han-Fu Award of 2024

We are delighted to announce that Prof. Ling SHI, Professor of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), was awarded the Chen Han-Fu Award of 2024 for significant contributions to Cyber-Physical Systems Security and Control.

Chen Han-Fu Award was established by the Technical Committee on Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation (TCCT, CAA) in 2014 to recognize and reward scholars who have made outstanding contributions in the field of control and systems science, to inspire researchers to carry out innovative and original research, and to promote the development of control and systems science in China. Since 2018, it has been for the young scholars under 45 who have made outstanding contributions in the field of control science and systems science.

Many congratulations to Prof. Ling SHI!

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HKUST School Of Engineering

Chen Han-Fu Award

The Chinese Control Conference

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