Prof. Kei May LAU was selected as one of the 旭茉 JESSICA Most Successful Women 2022

Prof. Kei May LAU was selected as one of the 旭茉 JESSICA Most Successful Women in 2022 by JESSICA magazine for her contribution to society and industry. 

《旭茉JESSICA》 was launched in 2000 in Hong Kong. It has prided itself as a monthly glossy magazine, aiming to serve the needs of the executive woman of the new millennium in Hong Kong.  Each year, JES Network honours women who have contributed to their respective industries, sectors, and society from Hong Kong and Greater China with the Most Successful Women Award. Each nominated woman was evaluated by the jury, and finally stood out as the recipient of the Most Successful Women Award. This award is in recognition of Prof. LAU’s outstanding leadership, position, and presence, which have played an influential and significant role in our society.

Prof. LAU received bachelor and master degrees in physics from University of Minnesota, and PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Rice University.  She joined HKUST in 2000 and established the Photonics Technology Center for R&D effort in III-V and wide band-gap semiconductor materials and devices.  Prof. LAU is a Fellow of the IEEE, the Optical Society (OSA) and the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Science (HKAES). She is also a recipient of the IET J J Thomson medal for Electronics, OSA Nick Holonyak Jr. Award, IEEE Photonics Society Aron Kressel Award, US National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Awards for Women (FAW) Scientists and Engineers (1991) and Hong Kong Croucher Senior Research Fellowship (2008).

About JESSICA Most Successful Women Award:

JESSICA Most Successful Women Award

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