Advances in Networked Control Enable Higher Performance Power and Transportation Systems

A research team led by Prof. Ling SHI of ECE working with researchers at Zhejiang University have won a First Class Natural Science Award given by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China for their work in developing higher performance networked control systems for applications such as intelligent and autonomous transportation and smart grid. The award was announced on Dec 1st, 2017. 


Project title:

Resource Optimization and Control for Network Systems


Project summary:

The last decade has witnessed the rapid development of network systems and their applications in many areas such as smart grid, intelligent transportation and autonomous systems, sensor networks, etc. Opportunities and challenges co-exist. For example, data packet drops and delays introduced by the communication networks and limitations on bandwidth and energy all restrict the overall system performance. When feedback control loops are closed over networks, the aforementioned limitations may even lead to dangerous instabilities. Prof. Ling Shi and his research team proposed novel probabilistic measure of the system performance that explicitly clarifies the relationship between the channel/network characteristics and the system performance. This enabled them to develop a new class of sensor/controller scheduling algorithms that optimize the trade-off between network resources and system performance and significantly outperform conventional approaches. 

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