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Dr Chang YAN has been an Assistant Professor in Sustainable Energy and Environment Thrust at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) since 2022. He received a Bachelor's degree in metallurgical engineering and a Master's degree in non-ferrous metallurgy from Central South University in 2010 and 2012, respectively. He was awarded PhD degree in Photovoltaic Engineering from UNSW in 2017, supervised by Prof. Martin A. Green and Xiaojing Hao. Then he works as a postdoc and lecturer at UNSW before his appointment at HKUST(GZ). His current research interest focuses on developing next-generation ultra-high efficiency tandem solar cells and flexible & transparent solar cells. He has published over 70 journal articles with the first authorship on the most prestigious journals such as Nature Energy, Advanced Energy Materials, ACS Energy Letters, etc., with over 3000 SCI citations and an H-index of 32. He was included in the top 1% list of global applied physics scientists assessed by standardized citation metrics in the single year of 2020.