MPhil in Electronic and Computer Engineering
The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in research and development in industry or academia. It is also an excellent preparation for those interested in pursuing a PhD degree. The normal period for completing the MPhil degree in full-time mode is two years. Besides completing an approved postgraduate course sequence, an MPhil student must complete, under the supervision of a research advisor, a research project leading to a master’s thesis and pass an oral thesis defense.
Adherence to the Curriculum
All postgraduate students must adhere to the curriculum of the year of entry throughout their program of study. Details of the degree requirements can be found in the Postgraduate Program & Catalog of the year of entry.
Course Requirements
For students on MPhil program, a maximum of 6 credits of approved undergraduate courses at the 4000-level may be used for postgraduate credit. Of the 6 credits, no more than three may be from the ECE Department. Further details of the course requirements can be found in the University Academic Regulations of the year of entry.
In addition to the program requirements specified above, students could opt for the Nanotechnology Concentration, Energy Technology Concentration and/or Scientific Computation Concentration. Details can be found in Postgraduate Program & Course Catalog.
Minimum Grade Requirement
The minimum grade-point average required to maintain satisfactory academic standing in the ECE Department is 2.850. The minimum grade required for each PG course is C. Courses failing to meet this requirement will not be counted toward the candidate's program and the student may be required to retake those courses. According to University regulations, a student cannot take a course more than twice.
Residency Requirements
Normally, a full-time research student is required to be on campus full-time and consequently in such geographical proximity as to be able to participate fully in University activities associated with the program. Residency provides the student with an opportunity to become immersed in the intellectual environment of the University. The residency required for an MPhil degree is normally four full-time semesters.
Procedural Matters
Each student should identify a permanent academic advisor (thesis supervisor) not later than the first semester after he/she is admitted into the program. The advisor will monitor the progress of the candidate, guide the candidate during research, and advise the candidate on academic matters. MPhil research is conducted under the general supervision of a thesis supervision committee of at least two members, one of whom is the thesis supervisor. When the thesis is ready for examination, an examination committee consisting of three faculty members is formed, one of whom is the thesis supervisor and another is appointed as chairman. The thesis examination committee has the authority to recommend the conferment of the degree after the student has successfully passed the final thesis defense examination.