Year 2 Student Anushka PUROHIT has Developed a Coronavirus Tracker
Anushka PUROHIT, a Year 2 student who is attending Startup Semester at the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET) at the University of California Berkeley, has recently participated in the development of a coronavirus tracker.
As one of the co-founders, Ms. PUROHIT started working on CoronApp together with Anupam Tiwari. Both of them are electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) majors and exchange students at UC Berlekey. Ms. PUROHIT is responsible for the UX/UI and from scratch development of the code. The pair has become stronger after MBA students, EECS undergraduate, software developer and medical doctors joined the team.
CoronApp for mobile browsers enables users to provide updates on virus cases by clicking on red dots on a map. It incorporates COVID-19 data from Johns Hopkins University, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Related Links
BerkeleyHaas - Students race to launch coronavirus rackers
CoronApp for mobile browsers -