PhD Student Tong QIN Wins the IROS 2018 Best Student Paper Award
Prof. Shaojie SHEN of ECE, whose PhD student Tong Qin, won the IROS 2018 Best Student Paper Award for their paper entitled “Online temporal calibration for monocular visual-inertial systems” in the 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018) at Madrid, Spain.
In the paper, an online approach for calibrating temporal offset between visual and inertial measurements was proposed. The approach achieved temporal offset calibration by jointly optimizing time offset, camera and IMU states, as well as feature locations in a SLAM system. Furthermore, the approach was a general model, which could be easily employed in several feature-based optimization frameworks. Simulation and experimental results demonstrated the high accuracy of the calibration approach even compared with other state-of-art offline tools. The VIO comparison against other methods proved that the online temporal calibration significantly benefits visual-inertial systems. The source code of temporal calibration was integrated into the group’s public project, VINS-Mono.
IROS, the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems is the flagship conference in the field of robotics and the biggest international event for researchers, companies and end-users. It was held in Madrid, Spain, during October 1-5, 2018. Over 4000 participants joined this event this year.