ECE PhD student Yating Wan won the School of Engineering PhD Research Excellence Award 2016-17

PhD student Yating Wan from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (ECE), supervised by Prof. Kei May Lau, won the School of Engineering PhD Research Excellence Award 2016-17. To encourage interdisciplinary research exchange and bring dynamic aspiration to the students, Yating will be invited to present a talk to the faculty members and fellow students and be presented with a trophy and cash prize of HK$25,000 at the Award Presentation Ceremony.
Yating Wan’s research work deals with integration of long wavelength quantum dot micro-lasers on silicon substrates, which makes it possible to put lasers on microprocessors that boosts their capabilities and allows them to run at much lower powers. She has published 9 high quality papers (5 as first and 4 as co-) in international reputable journals. She also has presented her research work at 3 international conferences as first and 4 as co-. She has 30 citations and h-index of 3 in Google Scholar index.
She has also received the Overseas Research Award in 2016 and is going to start a Postdoctoral fellow at University of University of California, Santa Barbara.

Background of the Award:

To enhance the overall quality of PhD research education, the School of Engineering has established the PhD Research Excellence Award scheme as recognition of outstanding achievements by our PhD students/graduates. The Research Awards will be granted to PhD students/graduates who have made the most original and influential research achievements to knowledge in the discipline. The award to be recognized should arise from the work that has been carried out mainly at HKUST.



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