ECE PhD student Jimin Pi won the best oral presentation in the 10th International Conference on Human System Interaction

ECE PhD student Jimin Pi, supervised by Prof. Bertram E. Shi, won the best oral presentation in the 10th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI), which was held in Ulsan, Republic of Korea from July 17–19, 2017.
The HSI conference is one of the key international conferences providing a platform for scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present and share their recent research and innovative ideas in the interactions between human and systems.  
The winning paper was entitled “Probabilistic adjustment of dwell time for eye typing”. It describes an improved system for gaze-based typing, where users can type characters simply by looking at them on a screen keyboard.  The work reformulates the problem of gaze-based selection probabilistically, so that it can naturally integrate information about past letters typed to speed up and improve the accuracy of typing. Gaze based typing enables users with severe motor disabilities to interact with computers in order to better communicate, access information and control the external world, enhancing their quality of life.


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