Vincent Kin Nang
劉 堅 能
PhD, Cambridge
Fellow, IEEE
Fellow, CSR
Vincent obtained his B.Eng (Distinction 1st Hons – ranked 2nd) from the department of EEE, University of Hong Kong in 1992. He joined the Hong Kong Telecom (PCCW) after graduation for 3 years as system engineer. He obtained the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship, Rotoract Scholarship and the Croucher Foundation in 1995 and study for Ph.D. at the University of Cambridge. He completed the Ph.D. degree in 2 years and joined the Bell Labs - Lucent Technologies, New Jersey in 1997 as Member of Technical Staff. He has been working on various advanced wireless technologies such as IS95, 3G1X, UMTS as well as wideband CDMA base station ASIC Design and Post 3G Technologies such as MIMO and HSDPA. He joined the department of ECE, HKUST as Associate Professor in August 2004 and was promoted to Professor in July 2010 and Chair Professor in July 2014. He has also been the technology advisor and consultant for a number of companies such as ZTE and Huawei, ASTRI, leading several R&D projects on B3G, WiMAX and Cognitive Radio. He is the founder and director of Huawei-HKUST Innovation Lab.
Vincent has published over 300 papers, including around 200 IEEE Transaction papers, 100 IEEE conference papers, 15 Bell Labs Technical Memorandum and contributed to 50 US patents on wireless systems. In addition, Vincent is also the key contributor of 4 IEEE standard contributions (IEEE 802.22 WRAN / Cognitive Radio) which were accepted into the IEEE 802.22 specification. He has received four best paper awards and is a Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of HKIE, Croucher Senior Research Fellow, Changjiang Chair Professor and Qiushi Chair Professor with Zhejiang University. He has been an area editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications as well as an area editor of IEEE Signal Processing Letters.